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Terms of use

Welcome on www.exclusiveedition.eu (in the following defined “web site”). The access and the use of “web site” are activities regulated from present Terms of use. The access and the use on “web site”, the purchase of the products on “web site”, previews the reading and the acceptance of these Terms of use. The "web site" one is accommodated on server of provider/maintener Aruba S.p.A. - Via San Clemente, 53 - 24036 Ponte San Pietro (BG) - Italy

The “web site” is managed from ALMA Trade Group s.r.o. - V Zahrade 197 – 252 25 Zbuzany - Czech Republic with VAT Number CZ 03830781. The Customers can find information about the orders, shipments, the right of return, the methods of payment and others legal information, in the section Terms of sale or contacting the Customer Service of EXCLUSIVE EDITION.
EXCLUSIVE EDITION can modify or update, these Terms of use informing the Customers in this section of “web site”, therefore, we advise the Customers to visit this section with regularity, in order to verify the publication of most recent Terms of use of “web site”.

Every Customer will be only responsible for the use “web site” and of its contents, infact EXCLUSIVE EDITION could not be considered responsible of the use not in compliance with the law, of the “web site” and the contents from own Customers (for example: in case of communication data not corrected, of others persons, without their consent).

EXCLUSIVE EDITION can modify or update, these Terms of use informing the Customers in this section of “web site”, therefore, we advise the Customers to visit this section with regularity, in order to verify the publication of most recent Terms of use of “web site”.

1. Policy Privacy

Every Customer must read Policy Privacy of “web site” carefully, also when the Customer navigates on “web site” without to buy no product. Policy Privacy explains to the Customer as its personal data are collected on “web site” and for which purposes. For greater details, you can go to the section Policy Privacy.

2. Contents of “web site”
The contents “web site” (for example: images, photographies, musics, sounds, video, documents, web pages, colors, layout, etc) are protect from the copyright. The reproduction is prohibited, in all or partially, in whatever form “web site” and of its contents. The Customer is authorized only to visualize the “web site” and its contents and all those temporary actions of reproduction, lacking in economic relief . The Customer is not instead authorized to execute some reproduction, on whichever support, in all the or partially of “web site” and of its contents.

3. Logo and name of web domain
ALMA Trade Group s.r.o. is owner of name of domain www.exclusiveedition.eu; whichever use of the logo and the name of web domain not in compliance with the law is prohibited and it involves consequences serious lawyers.

4. Links to others web sites
The “web site” contiene in the section Link, “links” to others web sites, that they haven't connection with “web site” or with EXCLUSIVE EDITION. EXCLUSIVE EDITION does not control, these web sites and their contents. EXCLUSIVE EDITION cannot be resposible of contents of these web sites and their Policy Privacy adopted for the Customers during the navigation on their web sites. We pray the Customers, therefore, lend attention, when they are connected to these web sites, through links of section "Link" of “web site” and to carefully read their Use conditions and theirs Policy Privacy; we remember you, that these Use conditions and Policy Privacy of “web site” are not applied to them, because they are managed from other different subjects from EXCLUSIVE EDITION. The activation of the links do not involve no recommendation or signalling of EXCLUSIVE EDITION for the access and navigation in these web sites, neither some guarantee approximately their contents, the services or products from these supplied and sold.

5. Warning on the contents of web site
EXCLUSIVE EDITION adopts every sagacity in order to avoid that they are published on “web site”, contents that describe or represent scenes or such situations of physical or psychological violence or that, second the sensibility of the Customers of “web site”, can offend the civil conventions, the human rights and the dignity of the persons, in all its shapes and expressions. In any case, EXCLUSIVE EDITION does not guarantee that the contents of “web site” are appropriated or lawful in other Countries, to outside of Italy. However, in case such contents are illegal in some of these Countries, we pray the Customers no to navigate on “web site”, in contrary case we inform to you that the use who you will decide to make of the services supplied from “web site” will be of your exclusive personal responsibility.
EXCLUSIVE EDITION has moreover adopted every precaution to assure to own Customers that the contents of “web site” are corrected or updated, regarding the date of their publication on “web site” . However, EXCLUSIVE EDITION does not assume in the comparisons of the Customers some responsmade it saves the own responsibility for fraud and serious guilt and but how much various previewed from the law. ibility about the accuracy of the publishesed contents on “web site”. EXCLUSIVE EDITION, moreover, cannot guarantee to own Customers that “web site” works with continuity and without interruptions of connection to Internet. For whichever problem in the use of “web site”, to contact the Customer Service and own Internet service provider or to control that every device for the logon to Internet is activated correctly. EXCLUSIVE EDITION adopts technical and organizational measures for the security of own services on “web site”, in order to avoid risks of destruction and loss of data relative to own Customers, or non-authorized access to the data. EXCLUSIVE EDITION adopts technical and organizational measures for the security of own services on “web site”, in order to avoid risks of destruction and loss of data relative to own Customers, or non-authorized access to the data.

6. Applicable law
The contracts signed under these Terms of purchase shall be governed by the law of the Czech Republic and is not included any reference to the laws of other countries. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG - Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) will not find any application. Any dispute between the parties relating to this contract shall be exclusively competence of the court of Prague (Czech Republic).

EXCLUSIVE EDITION jewels adorned with Swarovski® crystals

..... every EXCLUSIVE EDITION jewel is thought to give joy to all our customers through
the elegance, the refinement and timelessness with Swarovski® crystals .....



License IB Swarovski

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Terms of use

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   Jewelry adorned with Swarovski® crystals EXCLUSIVE EDITION  2006-2023  |  All Rights Reserved ALMA Trade Group s.r.o. - CZ 03830781